BRIN Emphasizes the Importance of Intellectual Property Protection in Innovation

First Expert Policy Analyst, Directorate of Intellectual Property Management of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Juanita emphasized the importance of protecting Intellectual Property (IP).

“With IP protection, it means giving legal protection to IP owners and providing protection for assets, in addition to anticipating violations, increasing competence, motivation to innovate, and having economic rights,” he explained, at the 2023 Technology Transfer Facilitation Forum, in the Science Area and Samaun Samadikun Technology, Bandung, Thursday (6/7).

Quoted from the KI-Lat Module for Beginners, DGIP, 2020, he continued, IP is a right that arises from the results of thought processes that produce a product and process that is useful for humans, to enjoy economically the results of an intellectual creativity.

According to Juanita, IP is not only about patents as is known today. IP includes copyrights, patents, Integrated Circuit Layout Designs (DTLST), industrial designs, trade secrets, trademarks, geographical indications, and Plant Variety Protection (PVT), as well as communal intellectual property.

He also mentioned the different characteristics of protection for each KI, based on the object of protection, acquisition, and duration of protection. Like copyright, the object of protection includes works of art, art, etc., where the acquisition is publication with a protection period of 20 years to a lifetime.

In contrast to brands, industrial designs, PVP, DTLST, which are acquired through registration, even though the object of protection differs from one another.

Juanita said, it was noted that the productivity of IP at BRIN until June 2023 reached 2,270 for patents, 357 copyrights, 46 brands, 115 industrial designs, and 19 PVP.

In further detail, what is the legal umbrella for KI for copyright is Law Number 28 of 2014, for patents is Law Number 13 of 2016, and for DTLST is Law Number 32 of 2000.

As for industrial design, the legal umbrella is Law Number 31 of 2000, and trade secret is Law Number 30 of 2000. Meanwhile, for brands and geographical indications is Law Number 20 of 2016, PVP is Law Number 29 of 2000, and intellectual property communal law is PP No. 56 of 2022.

At the end of the presentation, Juanita advised that protecting IP first is what must be done before publication. “Publication is good, being well known by many people is beneficial. But in the case of IP, protecting IP first is what must be done. Thus, the opportunity to increase economic value is greater,” he concluded.

Source : BRIN

Andromeda. BA, SH

Researchers must understand the concept of protecting intellectual property rights. As someone whose job is to find the latest things or innovate, the understanding of Intellectual Property must be different from ordinary people in general.

BRIN as a state institution that accommodates researchers has a major duty to educate researchers and the general public who wish to or are currently conducting research to provide understanding regarding the domains of intellectual property rights which will protect creations from legal protection and provide economic rights.

Based on WIPO statistical records in 2022, Indonesia ranks second as the country with the most registered trademarks in the world among middle-class countries. In addition, Indonesia is also included in the top 10 countries in the world that carry out simple patent registration, among countries that are included in WIPO.

The AMR Partnership has applied for the registration of Intellectual Property Rights for many innovations, patents are the object of protection for researchers, whether affiliated with the government, companies or individuals.

We have human resources who are experienced in classifying and applying for various kinds of innovative technologies for patents. With comprehensive protection, we believe that the results of patented innovations will have an impact on long-term prosperity. In addition, patent ownership is also a prestigious achievement in the academic and technological fields. A memory will be engraved if your innovation results are registered in a patent and you will be remembered.

Consult your patent needs with us for free, our professionals will direct you to legal protection and increase the welfare of patents.

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